Spa Frog @ease for Sundance Spas

FROG® @ease® for Sundance® Spas

Hot Tub Sanitizer Custom Designed for Sundance® Spas

Making life easier for Sundance® Spa owners is the goal of this FROG @ease System. It’s conveniently designed to fit on the filter cartridges in most Sundance® Spas. Cleaner, Clearer and Softer® water is just down the road at your local Sundance® Spas dealer. With FROG Minerals and SmartChlor® Technology, you’ll enjoy Fresh Mineral Water®∞ that kills bacteria 2 ways with up to 75%* less chlorine and a lot less work!

  • Up to 75%* less chlorine with no frustrating yo-yo chlorine levels
  • Shock only once a month
  • Self-regulates for continuous crystal clear water
  • Easy on hot tub surfaces with less odors
  • Single color match for easy reading – exclusively with FROG @ease Test Strips
  • No constant monitoring
  • No mixing chemicals
  • Money back guarantee


How does FROG @ease for Sundance® Spas work?

The @ease System combines the proven FROG mineral formula for killing bacteria with SmartChlor Technology that maintains a consistently low chlorine level for weeks.

Unlike normal chlorine that is used up when you get in, SmartChlor continues to maintain the same level, which is up to 75%* less than hot tubs using dichlor (standard hot tub chlorine). That’s why we call it self-regulating.  It goes to work when the hot tub needs sanitizing so there are no frustrating yo-yo chlorine levels.  This time-released method is also why less shock is needed to maintain the hot tub.


How do FROG @ease Test Strips work?

In 2 seconds, you can know precisely whether your pH, Total Alkalinity and Hardness are balanced, plus whether or not SmartChlor® needs replacing. Simply dip the FROG @ease Test Strip into the water, remove with the pads facing up and shake once to remove the water on the FROG Test Strips. Then hold it up next to the color chart on the back of the bottle to compare colors.

If the SmartChlor color on the strip is darker than the bottle label, the water is fine. If it is lighter it’s time to replace the Smartchlor Cartridge.



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